Sunday, October 31, 2010

Don't deny it, you are as curious as I am!

Come on, you know you do it! I do it! I just may be one of the few bolder ones that admits I do it. You'll be driving along and see something lying on the side of the road, mangled and bloodier than anything you've ever seen before. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about! The animal that met its unfortunate fate when a pair of headlights glared into its eyes and before the  poor thing realizes it, smash, the car hits it head on! You may be thinking, she's off her rocker, she's weirder than I thought, but I am going somewhere with all of this. Just remember, I'm luckier than most because my kinder and gentler side is the one that is totally devoted to loving all kinds of animals!!! However, I just can't help myself , as I'm driving along, when almost like a knee-jerk reaction, that crueler voice inside my head forces my head to turn and look at the lifeless lump. It's not as if I am miraculously going to be able to restore the animal back to life. Wouldn't that be a wonderful thought, as my sweeter side resurfaces once again. It's what I refer to as morbid curiousity. Yeah, I am sure you've heard of it before, but never considered yourself  to possess such an unflattering, crueler than cruel quality. It's not like I even like the sight of blood. That's why I'm studying to be a teacher, not a nurse. Now here's where it gets even better.... I am and have been, as far as I can remember, a daily reader of the obituaries. I guess it's just another one of those gene pool traits (remember I mentioned that in my last blog) that I inherited from my Dad. Just so you know, the whole death thing is scarier than anything I could possibly imagine! Here is where you may just well be thinking that I truly am freakier and zanier than you imagined-cemeteries hold a special kind of intrigue for me. Yup, when I travel with Jesse and the kids, I always enjoy making a point of going to a cemetery to read the headstones. The older and creepier looking it is the better! I know, I can hardly believe I find pleasure in doing this, but I do. I'll even admit that I read the "obits", as I kindly refer to them, which holds an even more bizarre intrigue for me. Believe it or not, I have stumbled upon old neighbors, school teachers, principals and others. How weird is that? I like to read the obituaries with one eye open and the other closed in hope that I don't find a name I know. I just hate when that happens, but am always certain that there will be someone to share this sad news with. I may never know what driving force inspires me to possess this thing we call morbid curiousity, yet I oftentimes brush it off and consider it to be the work of my alter ego. After all, how could I, who may very well be classier than some, sweeter than others, and goofier than most, possess a darker side reserved for only those who sleep in coffins and enjoy drinking blood cocktails as an afternoon apertif. I apologize if this blog has been heavier than my others, but rest assured I continue to remain one of the cheerier classmates you have come to know. Sorry, but I think I'll end here as I'm off to read the latest obituary.

1. mangled (verb)- to damage something badly by crushing or twisting it
2. morbid (adjective)- having a strong interest in unpleasant subjects
3. quality (noun)- the degree to which something is good or bad
4. intrigue (verb)- to interest someone a lot, especially when something is strange or mysterious
5. bizarre (adjective)- very unusual and strange
6. apertif (noun)- a small alcoholic drink served before a meal


1.  The man's behavior was very ______________.
2.  Being kind-hearted is an extemely good ___________________ to possess.
3.  Mystery books hold great _________________ for its readers.
4.  Movies about bloody vampires, death, and scarey things are so _______________.
5.  The torn and tattered doll was so badly ___________________.
6.  The English gentlemen's favorite ___________________ was Bailey's Irish Creme.

Grammar Point: Comparatives are a form of an adjective or adverb that shows an increase in quality, quantity, degree, etc. For example, better is the comparative of good and cheerier is the comparative of cheery. Identify at least 8 comparatives in the paragraph above. Bring in a picture book to read to the class about things that gross kids out. Let's see how many comparatives we can identify as a class!

I love using songs to teach kids new's a catchy jingle for learning what comparatives are!
Fun Tunes for Easier Understanding of Comparatives

Friday, October 22, 2010

When Is Enough Enough?

I am an animal lover through and through and darn proud of it! Yup, ever since I was a kid, I have possessed a lot of feelings towards our 4-legged friends. If I was lucky enough to have inherited this wonderful trait from a very special gene pool, than I definitely acquired it from my Dad, as he too, loved all animals. Few people are fortunate to haved shared their life with a dog for 17 years and a cat for over 21 years. I am one of the lucky ones! It was only natural that I would eventually want some pets of my own when I ultimately began my family. It's kind of ironic that I married a man who sadly missed out growing up with any furry friends. Little did Jesse realize that marrying me meant he was destined to become the "Proud Pappa" to not only human babies but several pets, as well. It all began more than 19 years ago when we lived in our apartment in Floral Park. With two dwarf bunnies, three parakeets and an infant son, life was a little busy. While Lucky and Greystoke (the bunnies), Durante, Mae West and Duchess' (the birds) lives were short-lived, I knew that when we bought our house in East Northport, animals would be as much a part of our lives there as they were before....and that they've been. Patouli (calico cat) and Buddie (Keeshond),  "toss-aways" from an unkind soul, blessed our home for many years. Sadly, we've lost both these beloved pets, but I take solace knowing that adopting them from the local shelter allowed my kids to grow up loving animals unconditionally. Next came Austin and Xena, two more wonderful cats we adopted in 2003 and 2005, respectively. I still wonder how anyone could have been foolish enough to dump them at the shelter. Austin, our 18 lb. sweet and gentle "Big Guy" and Xena, more like a dog in a catsuit, have been wonderful additions to our family. As if this wasn't enough, I never imagined that my love for animals would reach beyond the norm to the exotic. Yes, I have been blessed with a son (Caleb) who also has acquired that gene pool I mentioned earlier, and whose philosophy has been, the weirder the pet, the better. He's lucky he has a mother who appreciates the wild and weird as well. Snoopy, our hedgehog, started what began many years living in a suburban jungle, in what I endearingly refer to as the "Raspler Exotic Pet Menagerie". For those of you who don't know what a hedgehog is, just imagine a miniature porcupine. Snoopy is the one whose photo has graced this blog! Added to our little menagerie were countless hamsters (Jake, Fluffy, Pearl, Cookie, and Scott Guber), Connie the crayfish, frogs - Albert and Henry, Spike the Bearded Dragon, and Patches the guinea pig, Sparkles the beta fish and an aqauriam filled with other unusual gilled inhabitants. I must add that every time we added a new pet to our menagerie, Jesse would freak out. I can't imagine why! Simon and Chester, Caleb's two fancy rats, yes, I said rats, rounded out our family. I know you are probably thinking, "Eew gross!" or maybe even the movie, Willard comes to mind, but to tell you the truth, they are more like little dogs and make wonderful pets. Unfortunately, they don't live very long. Sadly, all have passed on, but Austin and Xena still grace us with their wonderful personalities. Despite my kids having experienced terrible heartaches losing their pets, I believe they are far better off for having shared their home with all these creatures-big and small. Some have thought we were crazy for owning so many pets and weird creatures, yet they have brought us so much joy, even my husband.While I miss all of them, I am glad for all of it - arguing who was going to clean the dirty cages, buying crickets, sprinkling them with vitamin powder, refrigerating meal worms, and running to the exotic pet doctor. I wouldn't have traded the experience for anything. For now though, I say enough is enough as I am ready to pass on the torch to my children. Hopefully, someday they will want a pet menagerie of their own and share their lives with all kind of pets - normal and exotic.

1. inherited (verb)- to have a quality (behavior or appearance) from one of your parents
2. gene (noun)- a part of cell in living things that controls how it developes (ie. parents pass on genes to their children)
3  ironic (adjective)- a situation that is unusual or amusing because something strange or unexpected happens
4. solace (noun)- a feeling of happiness after having been very sad or upset
5. exotic (adjective)- unusual or different because of a connection to a foreign place
6. philosohy (noun)- a set of beliefs about how you should live your life or think about something
7. menagerie (noun)- a collection of animals

Exercise: Matching Activity
 Match the vocabulary words below to their definition by drawing a line connecting the two.

exotic              a feeling of happiness after being very sad or upset
menagerie      a set of beliefs about how you should think about something
gene                the way you behave or appear is like your parents
philosophy      an unexpected situation causes you to feel strange or amused
solace              Parents pass this on to their children
inherited         unusual or different because of a connection to a foreign place
ironic               a collection of animals

Grammar Point: Quantifiers belong to the class of determiners. They are words or phrases that come at the beginning of a noun phrase and signal whether the information is  new or familiar and tell us something about quantity. They include the following words and expressisons: all, another, any, both, each, enough, some, a lot of, no, much, more and many. If it weren't for quantifiers, we might never know how much of something a person is talking about. What kinds of things do you have a passion for? Share your thoughts with others by writing a short story ( 1-page) about something you love. Stories will be shared with the class. You may also include a drawing of what it is you love most. Don't forget to include at least 8 quantifiers when writing your story.

I know how much all of you love to listen to some great tunes for learning grammar. I have not disappointed you... so, check out the following links for learning about determiners.

Monday, October 18, 2010

18 Again.....I Don't Think So!!!!!!

As my reflection stares back at me in the mirror, I question whether or not the years have been kind to me. Afterall, according to most statistics, I am well past middle age and almost old enough to receive the monthly edition of the AARP (Association for Retired Persons) Magazine. The wrinkles, furrows, bags, and dark circles that weren't there just a few short years ago are making their way onto my face faster and more furiously than I care to admit. Even the grey hairs are replenishing themselves on my head in weeks, rather than months, like they used to. Rather than dwelling upon the things that appear to be in places they once weren't, I find myself applying a little more foundation and going for more frequent visits to the hair salon. I'm lucky, considering most of my friends have been grey since their 30's! When I look at pictures of myself at 30, the year I gave birth to Caleb (1st born), I see a much younger version of myself, fresh and naive, with not a worry in the world. On a recent Saturday afternoon, I attended the Bat Mitzvah of my dearest and oldest friend (not in age, but in years). For those of you who may not know what this is, it is a Jewish rite of passage, marked by a 13 year olds' recitation of prayers from the Torah (book containing the Old Testament), and in most cases (not mine), an out of control celebration. In any case, I have looked forward to sharing this event with Pam and her family for a very long time, as her daughter, Gillian, was born with numerous physical conditions that have complicated life for this family. Come time for the party to get started, I was ready to let loose and rid myself of some of the pent up stress I had been experiencing as of late- nothing a few drinks and dancing couldn't cure! The best part was that so many high school friends were at the Bat Mitzvah, and hanging out with them was absolutely wonderful. It has been awhile since all of us have seen one another, months for some of us, years for others. We laughed, reminisced, and acted silly like we did when we were kids. It was so easy being with one another, an unspoken understanding of knowing that we could be who we are with no airs. It was almost like being 18 again! I thought about the day long after it ended and wished for one brief moment that I was back in high school again.When I came back to reality, I realized  then that I wouldn't trade the years for anything, except for maybe a few less wrinkles and grey hairs. While it's not possible to go back in time, it has become quite apparent that my friends from way back are like my fountain of youth, enabling me to experience a renewed sense of vitality and rejuvenation every once in awhile. Honestly, I am experiencing the best years of my life- with almost 21 years married to a wonderful man and 3 kids I adore, and best of all, I'm about to graduate with a Master's Degree. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. I really couldn't ask for more, or maybe I could, but I won't. So, ask me if I'd want to be 18 again! My answer..... I don't think so!!!!!


1.  reflection (noun)- a surface where you can see a person or thing in it (ie. mirror)
2.  statistics (noun)- a collection of numbers that represents facts or measurements
3.  furrows (noun)- a long, deep fold or line in a surface
4.  replenishing (verb)- to fill something back up after it's empty
5.  frequent (adjective)- something that happens a lot
6.  recitation (verb)- to read or say something that you have remembered
7. reminisced (adjective)- talking or thinking about happy times from the past

Exercise: Try to guess what the mixed up words are from the vocabulary above.

1.  efqrtnue  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

2.   ifcnletero  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

3.   wrusorf  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

4.   nirdcemsie  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

5.   tsicitsta  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

6.  npisgrleehi  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

7.  caentoriti  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __ 

Grammar Point: Contractions are two words combined to form a shortened and more condensed word.They contain an apostophe as the letters are dropped and the two words are combined. For example: I'd (I and do), we'd (we and would), can't (can and not), wouldn't (would and not). Students will participate in a "Find a Friend" activity. This exercise begins in the following way: 1.) One student sits in front of the class holding an envelope 2.) On a slip of paper the rest of the class writes 2 entences using 2 different contractions complementing their classmate. 3.) After the students write their sentences anonymously they drop them in the envelope belonging to the student in front of the class. 4.) This continues until all the students have had a turn receiving notes from their classmates. 5.) The teacher picks one note to read from each student's envelope. This is not only a great activity for practicing contractions but can be an excellent way of making new friends a the beginning of a school year or building self-esteem in young children.

I can't believe how much fun these two websites are for learning about contractions. You definitely shouldn't forget to check them out!!

Steeped In Love

Birthday celebrations, spent with family, have always been an important part of my life. From as far back as I can remember, I recall countless family gatherings spent around the table blowing out the candles on my birthday cake. It was just what us Friedmans (my maiden name) did! When I married into the Raspler family, I was very pleased that they too, shared the same tradition. As time elapsed, these traditions continued with many other family members' birthdays added to the mix. It was in 1992, after my first baby was born, that my Mother and I began a new tradition of our own. Little could have I imagined that it would have become such an important and cherished tradition in my life. My mom started taking me out to lunch each year on my birthday and she would always have some sort of unexpected and treasured gift to give me in honor of my becoming another year older. Wouldn't it be wonderful if aging was as easy as this? Although our birthday lunches are few and far between now, largely due to my hectic schedule, I still look forward to our get-togethers. This past birthday my mom happened to ask me when I was free for a celebratory lunch, but I reluctantly told her I would need to get back to her on it. We made our plans and the lunch date was set. We arranged to meet at our local hot spot, California Pizza Kitchen. Their pea soup is the best! I looked forward to our lunch as it would be a nice break from the usual and I always enjoy spending time with my mom. The day arrived and we sat, and we sat, and we sat. It was well over 2 hours. My mom and I are notorious for being able to talk for hours- ask my husband! Lunch was delicious as always and the time just flew. I looked at my watch and realized I needed to leave as my son would arrive home from school momentarily and he didn't have his key. My mom said to me that I needed to follow her to her car since she had something waiting there for me. Oh yeah, how could I forget... a birthday gift carefully planned out and presented so brilliantly! My mother wouldn't have it any other way. In the pouring rain we made our way to her car and she told me to get in the back seat. I did as I was told, as I always did what my mother told me- an old habit from my childhood. We were hysterical laughing as the two of us were crammed into the back seat of her Toyota. I really wished I had my camera at that point. She presented me with several large boxes to open (nice sweaters and shirts) but I really was in a rush to get home for Noah. She then tells me to open the smaller box and I couldn't imagine what treasure she might have for me, as she's bestowed so many on me already. As I opened the gift my eyes lit up with sheer delight as I unwrapped a decades old, treasured teapot from long ago. Along with the teapot was a wonderful little book about tea. I hadn't seen the teapot in years, but as always, my mom kept it beautiful, much like all her possessions, even ones as old as this. I took it all in, despite my rush to get home, and felt as though I were a kid again sitting around the dining room table with my entire family. I will always remember this gift bestowed upon me as I know it is steeped in love. I hope that someday, I too, will be able to share much the same traditions with my own daughter as my mom and I have, but even more importantly, to be able to pass on all the treasured heirlooms I have acquired from my mom through the years would bring me such joy.

1. tradition (noun)- something that people do over and over for a long period of time
2. cherished (verb)- to care for something or someone you love
3. hectic (adjective)- very, very busy
4. celebratory (verb)- to do something in honor of a special occasion
5. reluctantly (adjective)- unwilling or slow to do something
6. heirlooms (noun)- a valuable object that a family owns for many years

Exercise: Cloze Activity

Using the Word Bank fill in the missing words of the story.

Word Bank

until   beside     into     near   behind    under

Walking _________ my History class, I noticed that the new kid in school, who happened to be the cutest boy I'd ever seen, was seated at the desk right ___________ mine. His eyes were as blue as the ocean I remembered that was ________ my Aunt's house in Florida. He held a bag of Cheez Doodles just _______ his desk for me to see. How did he know they were my favorite? __________ now, I only admired boys like this from a distance. Much to my surprise, he asked me if I wanted some as he whispered it to me _____________ ear's shot. Things couldn't get any better, so I thought! It was then that I realized he was speaking to Sally Smith, the prettiest girl in school who was seatd at the desk __________ him. Oh well!!!!!

Grammar Point: A Preposition is a perky word that no sentence should be without! They are used before a noun, pronoun or gerund to show place, time, and direction. The following words are examples of prepositions- inside, around, out, in, over, since, before, after, about, than, with and without. Look at the paragraph above and try to find at least two prepositions each for telling the place, time, and direction of something. Think about a gift that you received that had special meaning. Can you describe the gift in a short paragraph (at least 5 sentences) using no less that 6 prepositions.

I am just bubbling with excitement to be able to share the YouTube video for learning what prepositions are!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Two Worlds Colliding

We come from two different worlds, she and I. We are as different on the outside as night and day, but this is not what makes her the "frick" to my "frack" or the yin to my yang. She is short, I am tall. She is from a culturally-rich Spanish background. I, on the other hand, am as American as apple pie and Chevrolet. She is a devout Catholic, raised in the Church and possesses a strong faith in G-d. I, on the other hand was raised as a Conservative Jew, attending "shul" only during the High Holidays, and grew up lacking any kind of connection to a higher power. She grew up knowing of the diversity that exists within a community. My idea of diversity went as far as what temple was one a member of- Reform, Conservative or Orthodox. She became a mother when she was a mere child herself, having her third child even before I had my first. We are more than a decade apart in years, yet it is as though we have known each other our entire lives. I often ask myself how much more different two people could possibly be, yet I believe that our lives were meant to intersect. It has recently dawned on me that she and I are very much like carefully selected pieces of fabric sewn together in a colorful quilted blanket. One relying on the other to come together in a beautiful display of synchronicity. Those who come to know us become keenly aware of the ease with which we are with one another.  It is not what you see on the outside that makes our relationship beyond words, it is a connection that I have experienced with few others. She and I met, by chance, in a Spanish class at Suffolk Community College four years ago. All I needed to hear was her great big booming voice and I knew this was a girl I wanted to meet. After all, my voice, not the sweet, soft melodious kind either, had never met anyone quite as loud as me. Well, it has been a wonderful ride getting to know her. I call her my friend and my comrade in arms as we have supported one another over these past 3 years as we complete our Graduate Education studies. She is my soul-sister yet while we may not know everything about each other I feel as though I have known her my entire life. She came into my life so unexpectedly, much like two worlds  colliding, yet I embraced the relationship's newness with fervor. I know I will always call her my friend and I can't even remember what life was like before we met. One thing's for certain, my frienship with her, I mean, Joanne will most definitely stand the test of time. Yes, we are the two "girls" who always walk into Jackie's class together and at 7:30 p.m. will be the ones leaving together as she's yelling, "Come on LJ, let's get home already!"


frick and frack (noun)- an expression used when speaking about two things that go together
yin and yang (noun)- a Chinese expression used to talk about things that are in harmony or balance with each other
intersect (verb)- two lines, roads or anything else that cross each other
quilted (adjective)- cloth pieces that are sewn together with stitches that cross each other
synchronicity ((verb)- two or more things happening at the same time
melodious (adjective)- having a sweet, musical sound
soul-sister (noun)- an expression used to describe a strong connection between two women
fervor (noun)- very strong belief or feeling

Exercise: Word Search

Directions: Try to find all the vocabulary words in the Word Search below. Words can be found going across or down.


Grammar Point: Pronouns are words used to replace nouns or noun phrases in a sentence. There are several different kinds of pronouns- subject, object, and possessive. Words such as I, you, she it, me, us, them, yours, its and ours are examples of words used to replace a noun. (ie. Peter can be replaced with him,  box can be replaced by it, and Sally and Tim can be replaced with theirs.) Identify at least 5 of the Pronouns used in the paragraph above. Has there ever been a person that you met unexpectedly? Write a short paragraph about that person using at least 3 subject, 3 object, and 3 possessive pronouns.

Below are two great sites for learning about Pronouns!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Finding My Path

            I have never considered myself to be a “mover and a shaker”, however, a sad turn of events inspired me to take action. The sudden passing of my Dad, in 2003, not only turned my world topsy-turvy, but more importantly, it made me re-evaluate my priorities. While blending into the woodwork was not how I perused through life, standing out in a crowd had certainly never been my forte. In an attempt to set my life on a steady course once again, I dug deep and through much soul-searching realized, what it was that I needed. I have always felt compelled to help those in need and in the process towards my own self-healing, I knew I needed to give back as a way of expressing all that I have been blessed with in life. As an observant Jew and one who possesses a strong faith, I knew that my synagogue would be the perfect venue for restoring the balance I so desperately needed in my life. My plan was to establish a committee of like-minded individuals who wanted to help those less fortunate by making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and wash kits to be distributed to local organizations on Long Island. Bringing this idea to my Rabbi, as well as the Congregational Board (they have a final say in all matters), was a bit unnerving, to say the very least. With a resounding and overwhelming “Yes” vote, the Tikkun Olam committee was born. Like an army of soldiers, the committee (30-40 members at its peak) set about making sandwiches and wash kits each and every month for a solid four years straight. Tikkun Olam means “Healing the World” in Hebrew and in the process of learning and growing with the committee, I realized that I was not only contributing to the greater good, but healing my broken spirit as well. During the four years from its inception until I stepped down as its leader in 2008, the committee took on a life of its own. From its start in a small synagogue in East Northport, to integrating in an Interfaith effort serving homeless men (mostly of Hispanic descent) meals in area churches, the committee developed a favorable reputation locally. I never could have imagined a better turn of events. Three years spent dining with and using my rusty conversational Spanish inspired me to return to community college to take introductory classes in Spanish. After completing two years of coursework, I decided to take my education one step further and enter Graduate School. I believe that things happen for a reason and while I wish everyday that my father was alive today, I know he is watching over me beaming with pride that his little girl has found her path in life. In conclusion, we can never tell what direction life will take us, but for now I take solace in all that I have amassed and look forward with gusto to whatever life has in store for me.


mover and a shaker (noun)- an important person that has power over what happens in a situation

topsy-turvey (adjective)- in a state of confusion or disorder

perused (verb)- to do something without effort

forte (noun)- to be good at something

synagogue (noun)- a place of worship for Jewish peole

congregational (noun)- a group of people gathered for a religious service

spirit (noun)- how happy or sad one feels

inception (noun)- the start of an organization

Interfaith (adjective)- having to do with two or more religions

gusto (noun)- to do something with a lot of energy and excitement


1. There are many different families that belong to the _________________   Church.

2.  The children on the playground were in good ________________.

3.  Cooking is my ____________!

4.  Everything was _______________ after the wild boys entered the room.

5.  She looked at the boy in amazement as he _____________ through the enormous book.

6.  There were so many people at the _________________ during the Jewish holidays.

7.  The boss was a ___________________.

8.  The Church has a huge ____________________.

9.  The kids ran on the playground with such ________________.

10.  He has worked at the company since its _____________________.

Grammar Point:
Verbs are action words. For example: run, jump, and play. Verbs allow the speaker to talk about things in the past, present or future. For example: the word run can be expressed in terms of I ran, I run or I will run. Have you ever experienced a time when you wanted to take action? Using lots of actions words write a verb poem to describe what you did.

I love the following links for learning about verbs!

Listen to the fast moving verbs:

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Best Birthday Present Ever

Yikes!!!! I should have fired
my hair stylist!!!! (circa 1983)
The day started out like most any other except that it was to be no ordinary day. I awoke at the usual time, 6:30 a.m., brushed the sleep from my eyes, and immediately realized what today was. September 25th, the day when I blessed my Mom and Dad with their beautiful "bundle of joy", as my mother so endearingly refers to me, even though it has been 49 years. After taking a brief moment to ingest the reality of having lived as long as I have, I decided to make my way downstairs for a calming yoga session to gently ease into my day. I went about the rest of my day in the usual fashion, but gosh, I wanted it to be riddled with excitement, joy, and complete and utter bliss. Gee, was I asking too much? Good grief! Was it my responsibility to see to it that I enjoy myself on my birthday?  Ha! Ha! That's what I have a family for; to make me feel like a queen as I am supposed to feel! Ha! Ha! In any case, as is customary in my family, receiving a barrage of phone calls on one's birthday is usually a highlight of the day . However, on this very day, I was to receive an unexpected phone call that brought me all the joy, exhiliration, and bliss I needed. Wow! She took me by complete and utter surprise! I am referring to my good friend, Donna. Donna and I met 38 years ago, when both of us, new to our neighborhood, were standing at the bus stop on the first day of 5th grade. Little could have I imagined that all these years later, a friendship that started out strong and solid would still endure today. It hadn't been since our 30th High School reunion, two summers ago since we last spoke. I miss Donna but didn't realize how much until I heard that usual, Laaaauuuuuurie (my real name is Laurie) I always used to hear when she called. It was to be a phone call filled with laughter and tears - it was as though time stood ever so still. I was saddened to hear of the passing of Donna's mother this past March as she was like a second mother to me. She was one of the funniest people I have ever known. Holy cow! We laughed like we used to at our countless sleepovers when we were young girls! Although our phone calls are few and far between and the times we see one another even less, I know one thing is for certain, my friendship with Donna will always be like a ship holding its course steady in gusty winds. So, on my 49th birthday, I lifted my glass of wine, made a heartfelt toast and said, "Gee whiz! How'd I get so gosh darn lucky to have received the best birthday present ever?"

1. ordinary (adjective)- average or usual, no different or special in any way
2. endearingly (adverb)- making someone like or love you
3. ingest (verb)- to take things in mentally
4. yoga (noun)- exercises that help calm the mind and body
5. fashion (verb)- manner in which something is done
6. gosh (interjection)- a word used to express suprise
7. riddled (adjective)- very full of something
8. barrage (noun)- a lot of something (ie, questions, complaints)
9. utter (adjective) complete or extreme

Yikes!!!! Can you guess what the mixed-up, topsy-turvey words below are? Unscramble them to find out. Notice I didn't give you any hints!!

1.  rabgear  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

2.  anordyi    __  __  __  __  __  __  __

3.  gsnite  __ __  __  __  __  __

4. hafinso  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

5.  gaoy  __  __  __  __

6.  yiganledenr  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __

7.  teutr   __  __  __  __  __

8.  erdildd  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  

9.  ohsg  __  __  __  __  

Grammar Point
Interjections are a lexical category that literally means "thrown in between" from the Latin inter (between) and acere (thrown). In lay terms it is a big name for little words or phrases used to show excitement or emotion on the part of the speaker. Examples of some interjections are eeek, gadzooks, bam, holy smokes, oh my, and yikes. Do you use interjections in your everyday speech? Write a 1-page story about an unexpected surprise you experienced using as many interjections you possibly can.

Not always considered acceptable when producing  adequate writing samples in today's classrooms, interjections are definitely a useful and effective way of expressing oneself. To better understand their place where areas of English grammar are concerned click on the following links: